St Augustines Church, Ramsgate, Kent

Ongoing conservationPhase 3 of the conservation of stained and leaded windows at the Church are nearing completion.

St. Peters Church, East Cliff, Folkestone

Reinstatement of East Window

Reinstatement of East Window

Removal and restoration at our studio of the East window has neared conclusion.

St Augustine’s Abbey, Ramsgate, Kent


Conservation underway

The conservation of the stained glass windows by Victorian Architect & Artist, AWS Pugin is now underway at our studio.

Leeds Castle Gate House Restoration

Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle – Gate House Restoration

The restoration of the leaded glazing and related iron work to the Gate House continues at Leeds Castle.

Work in Progress at Knole, Sevenoaks

 The conservation of the leaded glazing and related ironwork continues at our studio for Phases 1.3 & 1.4  south elevation windows for completion Autumn 2013.

Phase 1.3 & 1.4